

Sie haben Superkräfte, aber Sie haben bisher nicht die richtigen Jobs für Sie gefunden? Dann sind Sie jederzeit willkommen, uns Ihre offene Bewerbung zukommen zu lassen.
Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Talenten zum Beispiel in folgenden Bereichen:

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Integration experts
  • Data Management


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Now tell us a bit about yourself. Use your own words - tell us your story. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Relevant previous experience

Actions speak clouder than words. We are sure you have done wonderful things in your life, work or otherwise! Pick your favourite two that you would like to tell us about.

Relevant experience #1

Relevant experience #2

You as a person

Here's your chance to tell us in your own words about who you are. What have you been up to until now. What's your special superpower? What makes work fun for you? What makes you the best colleague we could ever hope for? Anything goes!

Friends don't let friends down' has a special meaning for us at Fluido. What does it mean to you?

Why Fluido?

Why do you think Fluido is the best place for you? How can we make sure you would love working with us? What got you clicking this application and filling out all these questions for us?

A Picture of You in Action

If you have run out of words, you can add a thousand more with just one picture. Here's some inspiration from our Instagram page!

Upload your CV (Please attach a pdf file)

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