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Grow the ROI of your marketing activities by visualizing your full marketing funnel

Different approaches can be taken for visualising the full marketing funnel view. When the marketing data is all in one place, you can make a proper comparison betwe…

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The secret sauce for success with Salesforce

Why is your company training its employees? In many cases, training is done for practical reasons: new software is implemented, or a new hire starts in the company. …

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Digital collaboration drives sustainability

Sustainable development has been defined by the UN as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to me…

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Align your marketing automation team with cutting-edge technology

Marketing automation has been around for a while, but some companies are still struggling to make it deliver real business value. If you’ve got a clear strategy an…

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How to use data to maximize your marketing automation investment

Data has become a crucial part of marketing automation. Companies regularly collect, store and analyse large amounts of data on their customers every day. Every brow…

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4 tips for leveraging ServiceMax Asset 360 core capabilities  

Natively built for Salesforce Field Service, ServiceMax Asset 360 delivers complete visibility into install base, service contracts and asset performance. Utilising …

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Holiday Greetings from Fluido

The recent changes in our business environment go well beyond the “new normal” online meeting and remote officing, as some of the interactions in the customer in…

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